As If watching a leaky faucet In a plugged sink The drops are slow to build Weighted down by their own mass As they reach a point where gravity can no longer be surpassed, To a Drip Drip Drip Drop
As they fall into the basin scattering ripples And splattering droplets As they fall Gathering light in a glittering bowl As the next drop slowly begins to flow By the Drip Drip Drip Drop
But once you’re attention is pulled And the visual is no longer there Only a sound heard Consistent tempo filling the air Seeming to speed where eyes can’t see And the budding drops fall carelessly With a Drip Drip Drip Drop
before you know it the basin is filled With the drops cascading beyond ones will And the ripples now scatter to waves against the brim Caving to gravities endless whim As a Drip Drip Drip Drop
Once you notice, it’s far too late The marble is shimmering with streams and ponds As it tallies the fee of water wasted So too does time slip from the basin And the coins we pay exchanged with age To a Drip Drip Drip Drop
Before you know it time has come to a stop along with both the drip and the drop