As blood poured out of the shadow mantis body and onto the ground the sun rose to vanquish this horrible night. Alston stood there absolute still gripping the enchanted sword tight.
Alston had small tremors course through his hands in an intermittent pattern like response. The tremors soon faded away and his hands no longer shook. Courage had infected his blood and killed away the doubt and fear he had. The blade gleamed crimson, blue and white. This came as a surprise to the young wizard. Such evocations cast upon weapons only last a few uses. This blade however seems to retain the power. " Alston, may I see the blade? " The young wizard ask the new warrior if he could observe his blade while all together ease his mind that everything is okay. Alston then looked at the enchanted blade he carried about with him on their travels. It had always been just a sword. Normal and nothing special. Just a weapon to carry about on travels for the little inexperienced protection he could provide with it. Only now it was an instrument of power. An emblem of one's courage gained. Not only did this sword **** the shadow mantis but also carved out a new warrior inside of one whom wasn't. The young wizard understood this in a moment realizing why the sword has not lost its enchantment. For Alstom and the sword have ascended together. The young wizard then remembered what he had told Alston before the shadow mantis arrived. " Trust in yourself and then trust in the blade." The young wizard may have inadvertently invoked the spirit of this man, this father, and also invoked the sword and somehow bonded them together spiritually. Many invocations used by the lineage of wizardry are mostly discovered by accident. This happens to be another moment. Only the young wizard did not understand how it happened. It was quite difficult to remember every detail which is important by all measure. The position of his staff, his stance, the tone of one's voice, and the emotion given. So much was happening at the time there was no time to remember it all. Perhaps just an early morning breakfast and the start of a journey together could render some lost memories.
Alston gave the enchanted blade to the young wizard with a smile as he walked toward his sleeping boys to wake them and start breakfast. The young wizard held the enchanted blade and turned to Alston. " Your new blade needs a name."