We usually say "step into the light" when there's nothing but night but do we say "step into the night" when the light is so bright that it not only blinds but burns out our eyes?
When extremist's play their games to blind our sensitive eyes it doesn't matter if they're using darkness or light
It's all the same if you're snowblind or just left alone in the dark whether it's viral or bacterial it's still an infection
Feeling our way in the heavy black air – too thick to breathe fumbling around in the light gray air -- too thin to breathe
Caught in the loop of groping the walls of our minds in twilight struggling to refocus in moonlight then so exhausted by daybreak that we sleep it all off until dusk
Too much darkness Too much light Too much cold Too much heat Too much pleasure Too much pain Too much sunshine Too much rain You can have too little or too much of anything.