I rendered a recipe Of leftovers in my mind That happen to be Complete garbage Of dysfunction. Where do I begin
It began in my heart Where I pulled out, Longing for safety, Dripping clotless Rags that made up my frame My apron stained red.
In the middle was observed A town of hate Lacerating the bowels Of everything and anything Leaving a mighty stink, mistaking it for butter.
Towards the end a drifting Spice of malcontent Sprinkled from the pores Of harmless thinkers To crisp the tenderloins of affection.
The oven is preheated Everyone a dark hot mess Needed no thawing As the goop of alienation Makes everyone a witness and a vulture for a meal.
No matter how un-schooled you are Your neighbor shouting, the stranger drooling, The cop beating, all have the same home-spun recipe and one main ingredient, Human, baked at 325.
Resulting in a deus ex machina.
Going through explaining in my mind why people are the way we are.