Sadness and rage Boil under my skin A fear, a desperation Festering within.
We will not go back. How can we? How did we even get here again In the first place?
I'm so angry, And scared and nervous For my own body For many loved ones lives.
That orange ******* man. The weak minds of his following So much hate within him. So much evil lurking.
I can't sleep sometimes When the stirring gets too vast It sits deep down, down, down Inside my belly.
Get your bans of my body. Anxiety rings in my mind. And I won't pretend to even begin to understand How others feel because I get that my skin is white.
Too much to hold internally My body begins to shake My head begins to pound. My blood begins to boil.
I feel like lighting **** on fire. Deep breathing doesn't help. I feel like screaming. I've got to let this out.
Just then I start to hear a whisper A reminder traveling on the Rustling leaves.
T R A N S M U T E this energy.
Move into a place of love. Let the tears flow. Let the brush stroke. Let the earth heal. Let the rage guide. Let the anger speak. Let the fear release. Let the words out. Let the drum beat. Let the feet stomp. Let the hips dance. Let the hands give. Let the heart hold. Let the love grow. Let it rise up. From the depths of your altruistic soul.
We are not going back. We will vote to win. We will not back down. We will stand our ground. We will walk with strength. We will be hand in hand. We will cross that bridge. We will see love resound. We will lift one another up. We will not let fear win. We will not let hate live. We will prevail again, and again, and again.