You dream fiercely, so that no one will hold it against you. You trust, although you know that your heart will fall silent at any moment.
A new decalogue is spreading within you, according to which you will write a more beautiful introduction to this anonymous autobiography.
One day, your heart will remember you; we will have the impression that fear brings us love.
A star has settled on your eyelashes - green like the first dream about you, sold to God. I don't remember the last time I was so similar to you; how close your tears, laughter, breath or heartbeat were to me.
I knew that you were moving within me, that you were dreaming and shining, even though I had renounced the world.
Somewhere at the bottom, chaos lurks, too ruthless to cheat freedom. I fight, although both my hands are bare.
I live, although life has abandoned me many times. The last kiss sparkles within me - given with premeditation, so that the sky would bloom, the earth would awaken.