I’m clawing at my chest, Because I want to make this itching ache stop But I am unable to reach into my chest and grasp my stomach and clench my heart; I am unable to tell it to stop its fluttering Just as I am barely able to hold back the sob that wants to rip through my throat in an agonizing scream. BUT I CAN'T. Because I can’t do anything. I have no control.
And normally I would be okay with that, But in these moments losing control is the worst thing Because it is the one thing I so desperately need. Just when things are going well I collapse into myself again like an exploding star.
The cycle is repeating. This is the hardest part. It’s the most painful. It is crying all the time It is anxious It‘s having fidgety hands It's headaches from furrowed brows It's seeing the inadequacy of yourself and not being okay with it. It's like having a microscope on yourself Its being exhausted all the time because you can’t stop the overthinking, the analyzing, or the constant pity parties and comparisons
I’m sick of being so emotionally fragile. I just want to move on to the next stage already To the numbness that follows So I can stop caring Stop crying Stop hurting so **** much
I just want it all to go away. I want the pain and hurt to go away. This ache isn’t numb, it's not sharp, but rather it is suffocating. It is hands around my throat squeezing just tight enough so that I feel like I'm dying, but aware that I can still breathe.