I'm 20 now, my logic still unsound I still linger around and use **** to drown it out I try to be perfect, be an adult, and keep working but I am not perfect, it hurts knowing that it hurts showing that but vulnerability is a virtue, I continue to work to to shine my light to shed light on what might be brewing under the surface, for a random observer I'm 20 now, I hate the way it sounds almost like the tik tok of a clock, I’m an adult now my prime is coming to an end retail therapy to pretend I'm not where I want to be, I'm not happy where I am do I keep put on the track I'm on or do I switch lanes instead too many tabs open in my head, too little time spent out of bed I need to get on my own feet, I need to plant these seeds, I need to not burst at the seams because I'm 20 now, cant wait to see it out wondering where ill be, who’s beside me, and if I’ll still doubt