I see you as the sea sometimes in deep calmness and sometimes in raging waves Its waters only touches my toes when i have to deal things on my own Other days it covers me all over when i need so much comfort
Just like the sea i feel safe and at peace I can always comeback when needed I can be both silent and loud, I can mourn and rejoice I can be anything I want and express everything I feel
Just like the sea how the sea listens to my silent cries You have sit with me in one of my darkest times I have spoken my all yet you never judge Asked silly questions yet never questioned my intentions
I remember you in every gigantic gifts that passed before me lavish yet very intricate to details I remember you in big and small things Whether it'd be vitamilk or rolex I remember you to be both spender and money keeper
I remember that you are not the woman of things in between You either give little or too much emotionless or too emotional never speaking or never stop arguing
I can describe you with a whole lot of different things But you define you, A reminder to be gentle with yourself. I love you and I will forever do.