there once was a land that was rich with things everything working with no broken swings about 4 years ago it started to fail the spirit of the nation was turning quite pale some thought it was good and just went along others were appalled and knew it was wrong what was the reason many of us asked it appears that our rights are questioned and tasked we rambled about and fought from within losing some friends and a few of our kin we need this to change we said in a vote but the man at the top, he started to gloat he ate up the laws and turned into a grinch casting people about and not giving an inch we elected in another to take on the task to cast the grinch out and peel off his mask well grinch wouldn't budge and sent out his saps to alter results and further the collapse what do we do, can we take on more **** I for one am just done, and the grinch has to quit....