You are my serendipity You are the one who entered my life unexpected Guns blazing It was like you fought your way Without even lifting a finger
You are amazing In the way with one touch I can feel your love Crackling like electricity As it shoots from my body Just pure breathtaking love
You are beautiful Even when you think it least Because you see the least I see the sparkle in your eye When we look at each other at night Even with it pitch black I can still see your eyes Shining open to my heart
Darlings you are more than you think From the kindness of your heart To the softness of your touch You able to calm the strongest storm With just the slightest hug You my dear are truly lovely
For it was you Who taught me love again That it could exist That it could be healthy That love could be shared even to the meanest of people But still take no **** And that is why I love again
You are my serendipity Full of love and warmed Unexpected but greatly welcomed I love you with all of my heart And I can’t wait for what lurks ahead
For you My love is eternal
You twatt waffle <3
I’m going to be honest. I wrote this poem one of the first times I got high and I don’t even remember writing this. I do know however the feeling behind this. This unfiltered/unedited poem is about my love. He came into my life so unexpectedly but I wouldn’t change that for the world. I love you Cyan Sus <3