Pi with love won’t die it’s irrational but rational between the infinite Creator and finite creation.
A creation is dead zero somewhere being irrational with the eternally Irrational That can’t be thought, or felt let alone be seen is beyond the imagination! But Qun Be the very creating Voice at the beginning that was allowed to be heard! Giving the rational reason the creation revives on a tangent. Turns on to a perfect circle counting on both worlds perfectly closed!
Follows the Voice in the nothingness abyss pleasantly resonant throughout the deepest and darkest hours showing light. Suddenly the creation becomes so relevant finds love that was in creating the creation. It starts to discover its own seductive narrative arc: The vital three acts the beginning, the middle and the end!
But finds no true end therefore no middle in the middle no, begin in the beginning. The creation in the creation floating in the void nothingness starts to see the Irrational for good!