I’m breaking down My heart beats hurt I can’t contain it for much longer It just keeps building and building
The harder I push it down The harder it pushes back And I break down in tears Bawling my eyes out
All I do is think about him Even with music blasting in my ears The thoughts race by without stop He’s all that’s on my mind
I miss him so much I don’t know what to do I shove my head into music and games Yet it doesn’t work
I’m up late into the night Constantly thinking what will happen What if things were different If the situation was different
Would we have actually became a couple Or would this have still happened I’m trying so hard for him To just be his friend through this time
But the more time that passes The greater the pain becomes And I wonder to myself Did I fall in love?
Is that why this hurts so much Is that why I can’t help but miss him Why he is constantly on my mind Running circles around my distractions
I’m honestly afraid of the next time I see him What if I run inwards and cause the body to faint What if I run to him and kiss him? What about a deeply felt bear hug?
Would he hate me? It’s petrifying to think about And each outcome is just painful I’m so afraid to tell him
Afraid to say what’s on my mind About how much this hurts About my feelings for him About how much I miss him
Should I cave and tell him? Or should I bare the pain a bit longer Letting the fates dictate What is to come
I need answers But I know that no one can give them It has to come from me Whatever my mind and heart decide