Here I lay In my bed crying I'm okay But not from what I've seen
There are people on the streets Who never chased their dreams They could have achieved something great But it's too late for them As their body begins to dissipate
There are homeless people with families Who were dealt a bad hand Which nobody understands Not all of them are junkies They were just dropped in the wrong reality Wrong body And it makes me sad
Then there are the children With abusive parents Don't even get me started on those strict parents Who force religion on their children You're oppressing them Making them victims Do you think you're a savior? You are no better than the snakes Just appreciate them for who they are For christ sakes
Then there are the animals Which needs no explaining The people who abuse them Should be shot Yeah, I'm over exaggerating But I hate them a lot Almost as much as snowflakes it is what it is But it's something I've embraced.