Your name Just like a board game, We make moves Just like the youths.
We dance until we both get the chance And I'll deliver my romance, I'll stand like a knight And you stand there like a princess.
I call you by your name and your Beautiful face pops up, And suddenly the heaven and earth shifts and brings me to you close up, Can't you see? These flowers bloom? Because it means you and I are not doomed
Lets dance To get the chance I don't want our romance All end up in a trance Because every glance I lose my stance And you help me so we can enhance
This unique dance Always makes me memorize Your name and our memories Just like a treasury I'd hide you from treachery
Your name I will claim From a big game And tell you that we are the same, The same in love.
I love the name of you, You made myself a poet That our story will be spoken by my poems That it makes more golden With the presence of your name.
It means imagination, it's just a thought of being in love in a unique way.