There you are through the seasons quietly standing in your humble green not seeking attention or glory even in spring your little magenta flowers peak out from your branches too modest to make a loud fuss.
The scent of your body transports me to the place of your birth, the plains of heaven.
May I take your simple doctrine of acceptance and humility to heart and rest silently unconcerned with appearance happy to let a soft inner light be the meek gospel of the universe.
This morning I was reflecting on the way the divine is manifested (and mostly ignored) all around me in the most humble things of creation. Then I noticed the sage bush in our back yard, planted and growing a little way off from the corner of the sidewalk. I remember smudging (burning a small bunch of sage) as a meditative spiritual practice decades ago. I can almost smell the unique aroma of the smoke rising to my nostrils and on to the heavens. Even the memory gives me a momentary wonderful peace.