Did I see a shooting star? I shot up from my bed, There was a white glowing dot racing through the sky. Bigger than your average star Faster, more elagant than a plane. It soared diagnally across the sky. I was in a daze. A trail of sparkles and twinkle dust dispersed from its tail. It went behind the trees, but I could still see for a moment. Then it disappeared, into thin air. No where to be found. Not through the cracks of tree branches or by a gleam in the sky. It was gone. No destination or proper exit. It left as mysteriously as it came. I made my wish quick just in case it was meant for me, "Please, I wish to be a great author" Was that a shooting star? Or a falling star? Was it a star at all? I wonder.
This just happened to me and I felt compelled to write about it. Magic appears when you least expect it. This meant a lot to me.