Water, as moving silk upon my mind, is the endless river I float upon in my small wooden boat, I remember the flowers dancing to the song of mine alone, I only wish to soar amongst them with my bare feet, and forget how I was once the one who fell to tears alone, I sought to dream, and still, I shall, I row my boat, & the milky waves of the dark, in their serenity, return the memory of being under wool blankets, being under the music of the moonlit rain outside, still warm from chamomile tea, as the gentler summer wind allowing my hair to roam in the wheatgrass fields of memories, as slivers of light in the stream of consciousness, painted thoughts shifting as clouds, I yearn to hold those embraces of solace, I roam forever in the night sea, I rested my eyes, when I was once in your arms, seeking to return home.