^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This poem is self translated version of my Hindi language poem titled "कविता" published in bharat-darshan ( Sep. -Oct., 2018 ) Can be read through the link ==>> https://bit.ly/2nRwOB9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Poetry is the outflow of someone's heart For someone, it's only black fever For some, it's only a form of business For someone, this is only seasonal fever
It's just an entertainment for someone For someone it's like a toothpaste A good instrument use to giggle Listening it makes their teeth brighter
To show off the that stunning brightness They spread crooked and mysterious smiles Show of their shining-sparkling teeth Then they lash out their greedy tongue
Poetry is an old newspaper for someone It’s a mound of waste and unusable junk items Poetry is just an advertisement for someone Only an excellent medium to sell their goods
Poem is dark black alphabets for some Only equivalent to a big fat black buffalo From which it is impossible to get milk But it's easy to get hurt by it's horns
Poem is a deep sympathy for some For some its acute pain of the heart Aroused from the core of their heart It's someone's love for someone else
Poem is overflowing care for someone It is swirling cloudy dust over someone Poem is just a time-pass for someone For someone it is complete nonsense
Poetry is effrontery in someone's pride For someone it's amnesty for all For some it's Saafi by Hamdard^ Which purifies and cleans the blood well
Poetry is a meditation for someone For someone it’s a form of worship Poetry is name of someone's beloved daughter^^ Poem is the name of someone's beautiful wife^^
Poem is means of livelihood for someone It happen to be the basis of his life For someone it is simply a big loan Which is much difficult to repay in time
Poem is a tribute to the heroes It a wreath to the brave martyrs It's a collection of songs for musicians It's prayer of devotees with folded hands
Sometimes poetry makes us happy Sometimes it causes us to weep It often caresses readers with love Sometimes it even consoles them
Poetry sometimes make us laugh Sometimes it forces to think At times it reveals the flaws beneath By removing the outer cover shell
Poetry sometimes surprises us too much Sometimes misleads to pseudo-intellectualism Sometimes it poses a challenge before us Sometimes it emerges as a song from the soul
Sometimes it portrays the beauty of actress It tends to dissolves sweet juice in the ears And sometimes it pours molten lead in it In such situation it pushes back all courtesy
Sometimes it transforms rulers into heroes And sometimes it makes a politicians zero Sometimes it becomes the words of panegyrist Then it behaves like a butter ball for them
Poetry sometimes honours someone Sometimes it even trick so many of us Poetry even makes fun of somebody Sometimes it entertains someone's heart
By the way, poetry is a blunt weapon But it's has a different hitting power Which is the real inner power of poet It's also his covering blanket and strength
Only poetry gives him the required courage It completely protects his existence It always teaches him the lesson to - Keep on fighting against the gunpowder
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ Saafi - A Unani Medicine made by a company named Hamdard, used to clean or purify the blood
^^ Name of ..... - Kavita (translation of the word Poem in hindi) is a common name given to females in India. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^