Love in the air Love in every beats Beats of my heart Beats only for you You are my life You are my destiny Destiny of my search Destiny I desire Desire I treasure Desire of my pleasure Pleasure in your kiss Pleasure in your embrace Embrace that I can't resist Embrace I crave for eternity Eternity of our togetherness Eternity of my bliss Bliss in your arms Bliss of my life Life with you Life I cherish Cherish the momemnts Cherish your memory Memory I can't forget Memory that let me live Live to the fullest Live with joy Joy In every moment Joy in the touch Touch me with love Touch my heart Heart of yours Heart I want to stay Stay by my side Stay forever Forever with me Forever holding my hand Hand in your hand Hand that heals Heals my pain Heals my broken day Day of mine Day end with your dreams Dreams of our love Dreams that delight always Always your precense Always for romance Romance be romance Romance for all seasons Seasons.. Romance..