my brain, it wants to make. to invent, to compose, to configure, to create, all it wants to do is make.
as for me, i want to be happy. but i am not so foolish, and i am not so wise, so i study, for good grades, and blanket myself in more lies.
"college isn't necessary", is this some kind of joke? "money can't buy happiness", well i'd rather not be broke
but what hope is to worry when i'm not in control? why bother planning for futures if we dont know how they'll unfold?
as with regret comes pain, an inescapable pain. but it is not "if", but "what." how will life decide to play? do i listen to my logic or to my gut, will i die tomorrow or today?
as for me, well,
my brain, it wants to make. to invent, to compose, to configure, to create, all i want to do is make.
come at me high school, i have become numb to the pain!