I wish you could understand how hard this is I wish you could understand just how heavy everything feels I wish you could just see that something is wrong But I wish you didn't try to fix me
I know you see my agitation I know you hear the attitude in my voice You think its just me being emotional I just had a bad day
I wish you could leave me be I wish I had some peace I wish I had a reason I wish I had words
But I don't I can't explain the exhaustion I feel I cant explain the headaches I can't explain the weight of it all I can't explain the desire I feel to just give up
I wish it could be simple I wish it could all go away I feel like I'm drowning in a think cement of anxiety and depression…. Its overwhelming
I want to stay away I want to escape I want everything to disappear I want things to change
So why am I still stuck? Why can't I move? Why is it I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do?
You try to talk to me You try to hear me But you're NOT LISTENING!
You say you understand You say you know how I feel You say you went through the same thing But that was a long time ago
If you really understood you would leave me alone If you really understood you would let me breath I you REALLY TRULY understood you wouldn't be pushing me like this.
I know your stressed but I am too You say I'm not doing enough, Like all the effort I put in is nothing I say I'm busy, but you say I'm not I'm not doing enough
HOW WOULD YOU KNOW!!!! You're not me! You don’t know my life You don’t know me!
You compare me to Her even though you say you don't Is nothing I do good enough!!! I am trying to find my way but its not fast enough for you. I need time, I need patience, You're riding on the back of this bronco. I'm not in university, I don't have good influencing friends according to you.
Apparently I make the wrong decisions. Do I disappoint you? Just because I'm not at the same spot as Her? I'M TRYING! But its not enough.
I feel like I'm going to break I feel like any day I'm just going to stop caring I have already been slipping downhill. I haven't been taking care of myself and it shows But your too wrapped up in everything else to see it
I know you need the support I know its been ******* you too. But please SEE ME Please Hear Me Please. Please.
Sorry guys, just a frustrated, overly emotional, vent. Not sure if this is even considered poetry at this point, so I don't know if this belongs here. (I used lots of repetition though; that's a poetry thing, lol) But I'm sure many of you might feel the same way sometimes even though these words don't fully express the emotions bubbling over.