Something Begins to Arise. What is it? Is it this a dream? How can it be? I am not happy!!!
Tantrums It is NOT Love!! It is SUPPOSE to be about Love! This is NOT about Love! WHO'S DREAM IS IT!!!!? This is NOT what I want!
Seeds of Awareness Am I living someone's dream? What do you mean it is not my dream?
Inner War What do you mean it 's a program! No, you are out of your mind! I refuse to believe it!! Where did it come from? How did it happen? Who is doing this? No it can't be! What is it's roots? What are it's branches? All I want is to be loved! All I want is to be happy? No things! I will not! I refuse to strive for riches! NO! I will not be a LAWYER! NO! I will not be a BANKER like you! Riches! Riches! Riches! Don't you care about LOVE? !!!! Does Love even exist in your heart for me? Or is it a lie too?!!!
My Anger Stirs Seeps from every pore! How can this be? Lies! It's ALL lies!!!
There was an uneasy sense of awareness when I begin to remember the pain and core of my suffering as I grew up. Within myself, I realize that I did not have the power to effect a change in my life for the better as a child or a teenager. I was still within the illusion of my cultural's & family's illusionary dream. As an adult, I become aware that I can choose differently. My anger pushed me on to take the needed steps toward creating something different in my own life.