I crawled quietly off the day's activity My head was still banging hard like the hit of a starved lover boy Coupled with the blessing of downpour upon the earth some hours before
Retiring to my spacious room with nothing but the beauty of a carpet Upon the supposed protection of my duvet
A merrying sound of some uninvited guests dancing towards my crib They all beamed so well with a sweet smile on their face
Their chants wasn't victorious as it supposed to be But a beautiful chants of conspiracy and rebellion I cannot be a target I murmured under my large cover
I'm hurt
They all drag my flesh among each other This is unfair My heart cry for help but my mouth has been muted It was suppose to be a celebration of whatever But here they are feasting on my already tiring body
How come you all want to feast but forget your meal at home I asked one thousand and one times I hope I will find something within me when the sunrise
Upon this sadness I laid myself totally for their evil party