Into life I emerged my fathers queen of his forest lands with his death suffered my Purepecha Tarazcan Mestizo gene mold and my massive character developed seared with scars; first grand loss my father my land Foe pierced my Teen Mestizo cactus pear by deceptive method his ugly bitter tequila mix second loss badboy with a twist virgins his compulssion the wise universe quickly RANSOMED my pain! in Texan country songs and mariachi night parrandas wedding promises galore in Irish cream PA-dreams entwined disavowed drowned all this magic. along came refuge an evil poisoning uzo on his dunkey slandering Grecian mythology teaching his many medeas executing premeditated cruel early death wasn't what I had in mind for restitution leaping from foe to another one worseΒ Β and still I loved life repaying evil for my good malicious slandering experts stealing envious jealousy torturing my baby girls new born making pieces of me giving birth! all this and more remained impune being dead calm in shock All I ever saught in life was to love be loved cherished adored by one special human regadless of name nationality creed or social status and guess what!? I found all the BEST all treasures all bank amidts all this saga.
Yes I was too battered to seize opportunity too rejected to say " I love you- I am sorry, I'll marry you." my beast!
twice husbands didn't call me wife first time I married only the ring I bought with my savings, tears and scars no husbands were they but foe covert enemy ****** sadist poisoner Greek chicken **** Hen. in CA fed on******* agendas sold my baby girl coco to his infertile ex hell nurse bailing him out******* dues possing as Mother to my child invented a birth certificate 1983 then tried to ****** me each time I went to E R. smothering me during minor urgery 2009 in honor a covert life insurance criminals with a twist many times they tried many times they failed I have more lives then a cat. The Greek human trafficant blackmailed by his medeas for his ongoing crimes sadomised my baby girls I give this Greek geek ten traits of narcicistic personality more in his grave "haralobo"his kiriakis and many mistress I escaped him inhell greece I emerged seared with scars. a fierce protective Mother now a grandmother stern but ever understanding ever loving I am not ranting nor lamenting!
I survived where many other battered women died seared with scars I write. O how many women do! O how many Moms don't survive covert enemies with a twist. ~~~~~~~ By: Karjinbba All rights reserved.
Dedicating this to my daughters nick named "Lala, Sassy, Coco."and to all a battered wife mothers single Moms wearing purple hearts and to all good loving caring men reading who love and protect their wife and children because you are the forcce that keeps Earth from going mad and to wabble out of orbit. like my planet "motherhood" has wabbled and toppled over. My girls hide head like Ostrich cant believe who fathered them to torture us child and Mom. My girls have scales in their eyes call Greece home and Mexican Moms cruel beast enemy. ( a hate crime?!) they refuse to see their own body bone morrow seared with scars like mine or who is victim and who is coward. Denial assassination of character rules their troubled ego.