Your labored breath the solitary sound You continue to strive for perfection Not knowing why you are not good enough Where you drove off my affection
Going crazy chasing changing answers Cursing past mistakes large and small Violently flailing out of vindictive frustration Wondering if I even love you at all
Thought you to be a reasonable guy I am looking for that face Focusing on how wrong I must be As I deliver the coup de grace
Your instinct is fighting with logic See your strength go weak Hidden emotion weighing shoulders Shut your eyes and do not speak
My heart caves in, I take your hand, All the time taken from you It is too late to return it Together the months we break in two
Words cannot mend or explain Tried ways to make you understand Slowly truth seeping through Pain I inflicted was never planned
As I sit with ice inside my bones Love between us all but ceases I am forced to carry the guilt of leaving you Your life in a million shattered pieces