It's 2:43 and I can't sleep I close my eyes and I can't dream It would seem to me I'm going crazy My mind is covered in a film so hazy But I must be oh so lazy For not fighting for a chance to raise me And lift myself I tell myself I have nothing else To turn to I lost you I always do I always choose To lose The few The truth is I can't do this I walk around clueless To the facts As a matter of fact When you look at it like that I'm fading into the past As life flies past And goes way to fast I wanna crash I'll come in last Moments go by with a flash And it's all I ask Not to bask In the rays of a sun that will be taken away And fade As the dark runs away And night overtakes the day I was too late To play But now it's 3 And the harder I try to sleep The faster my mind flees And runs from me I won't catch it tonight So I'll just cry And hope for sunlight And pray to a god who just might Listen to my unanswered prayers tonight