i stand and watch you leave the doorway fraMes your unsteady form as You walk out of my life the whole scene reminds me of a haPhazardly taken polaroid pIcturE in my white-knuCkled fingers as i hold onto your mEmory as tight aS i can for deAR lifE because this moment here is the breaking apart i have Spent months grieving your loss before it even arrived and yet this is harder than i Could even imagine because watching you go is easier than seeing you gone because the gentle ambiguity of your not-goodbye is nothing like how you lived your dAys with me fast-paced, breakneck speeds every breath thaT flowed from your open heart sTormed right through the walls around mine and without those i am suffocating i am shattEring like a broken mirror and you were the light i once reflected every one of my fractures spreads and cRacks like a spider-weaved web and i am the fly i am too weak to say goodbye so i let your “see you later” shatter mE because the you i may see later will not be the same you that i know right now. so i shatter and splinter and crack as you slip out of my hands and all my pieces are shattereD across every memory i have with you.