For he with the blonde curls, Who set you from stone to glass, For he with greyness and age, Who set you from virtue to lust, And for the fathers who warned, Who set you in a statue of shame, With his constant looks of disbelieving.
For she with the stars of freckles, Who set you from glass to shards, For she with the condensation of coldness, Who set you on route to loneliness, And for the mothers who neglected, Who set you with no comfort, With no help after the males visited.
For the creaks of floorboards, Threatening unholy arrival, For the thousands of bed squeaks, Helping by gifting distraction, For the hotel clerks gentle knowing smiles, For the cheeks I can force upwards, For the sacred of tears that disappeared with new numbness, For the child within me who had such urgency to grow up, And for me...for me.