Just because the frost needs time to thaw Before the flowers can really grow Just because the clouds need time to gather Before cold winds turn to snow Just because our hearts and our minds often fight Just because we have to give them time to understand each other Just because our hearts seem to be eons ahead of our doubting, dismissive minds It does not mean we never know What we truly want
We just have to give ourselves time.
The amazing graces sung by grizzled sailors As they sailed human cargo from the delirious African coast To the throes of the Western Empire. And these grizzled sailors the odd lonely ducks Seeking self validation from their lofty superiors Set sail to embark on a crime against humanity For a living
And in the end, your Sunday School favorite Amazing Grace how sweet the sound! It is perhaps the single most church song That doesn’t make you feel guilty or fake happy It’s simply a song that unabashedly feels
I know what I want I just have to give myself time Which is a concept I hardly believe in anymore Time
I am aware that I can be a fierce wind Capable of tearing down everything In a tumultuous bluster of love But also feverish madness Manic, sure, but also a wonderful spontaneity If something feels truly sublime then how can it be wrong?
I am also capable of gentle breezes Like the soft airy kisses of a whispering night wind I am wind that can make your arm hairs tickle I am wind that can gush and chill you to the bone As I try to envelop you in a nurturing embrace
And if my tender gushing alarms you then please forgive me For with every fire you ever built you have lit a fire in me So suddenly I was frightened At first that looking at you made me melt and burn To ashes my heart was scattering and falling apart What a frightening thought! Unlike a moth I first shied away from your brilliance And so from a delicate but deeply loving distance Your presence warmed my chilly gusts And as your flames gently licked the wind that grew stronger So too my wild and wonderful breezes hungered for more warmth
Watch the fire deeply See how the flames massage the air Look above the fire and see that the air is falling apart Its molecules expanding and undulating in the warmth Heat is a beautiful thing but intense So is a strong wind
As you so warmed me so I longed to be nurturing To fan your fire with my most spectacular torrent A few things might have burned down Like the walls we built over the decades Walls of paper tigers guarding our souls Well the wildfire we built together burnt those walls rightly down Let’s admire the ruins of the false lives we’ve lived in the past To protect the God residing within us from the realm of the material world
Grace teaches our hearts to fear And by grace our fears are overcome Through faith I exist Through hope I keep existing But it is through love that I understand why