There is only one Queen ***** And she knows who she is. She could have been even more to me, If fate hadn’t intervened.
Oh well, cele vie, my senorita she will never be. Just a beautiful heart, hidden within. But never hidden from friends, Always love given to them, From Queen *****. My heart goes with you always. I miss you Vic.
I have your photo on my wall, next to Eva, You were both there when life was enjoyed, Before I woke up from the dream.
Mostly forgotten now, but never you. You shall always be remembered, I want one day to introduce my wife to you, To show her someone who knew me, when I was truly me, Full of love for my Kryptonite; I love you Vic.
I simply offer peace, love and empathy; Remember love is the greatest of all things. Much love to you Vicky. You are always a good friend to me.