If your poetry is true to yourself, Then you do not need to worry about anyone else. They will have their opinion. They are entitled to that; But they can never take away from you, the feelings that you have.
They are yours and yours alone, But sometimes others may have them too. Share your thoughts with the rest of the world And you might make a connection, where you never expected to.
Be real in the words that you choose to use, But rule nothing out; the world is your oyster. Do what you believe is the right thing to do; I chose to start writing poetry And I am trying hard to not become a babbler.
Words are not perfectly set in stone; Language moves forward, it evolves, so say what you want. Some will hate the fact you use the language of phones; But others will say *** is wrong with that? ***.
Realism is a thing we should all strive for; Speak the truth in metaphors.