It sticks to the back of my throat like peanut butter It sits back there like a frog and I croak croak croak, but it never escapes my quivering lips It never leaves me It never makes itself known But it hopes like every little insecurity I've ever owned that you will see it one day accept it one day read bedtime stories to it feed it food from your dinner table cloth it as it wants to be clothed support it like you are the keystone to my door to the world, I deserve to belong in yet I still only manage to look at it from the blurry red plexiglass windows
I hear voices from beyond it Be brave. Be brave. It gets better little one.
But when I look out that window I hear the depressions and suppressions of a people gunshots and violence and somewhere off in the distance I hear the singing laughter and joy
Be brave Be brave little one
but they are as far as my voice is trapped and away from me and as tangible as the frog in my throat Stuck in Pandora's box with a million others just like me.