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Aug 2018
Ive been sad for as long as i can remember,
Ive been sad so long when i smile,
laugh and joke people think ive gone wild.
Ive been sad so long ive become accustom to choosing the sad song over the happy,
staying alone rather then socializing,
Keeping quite and dying inside,
Ive been sad for so long, i lost hope for happy.
Happy is a far off image painted by my friends and family that is false hope.
Ive been sad for so long, happy seems like a myth, a story told around the campfire to distract you from the danger that surrounds you.
And yet, dispite all the sad and blue emotions, i felt happy while with you.
Written by
Kassandra  19/F
       ---, ---, Dawn Bunker, MT, Rick the shoe shine boy and 12 others
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