To have them shipped across the sea, sitting like ornamental drops tinsel strung around your eyes pocketed the tree
walking down sunset avenue reeking of bamboo stalks and water chestnuts looking for a place to submerge your treasure with a rattling breath do you deflate
And the Oak trunk that grows unimpeded hanging her branches caressing the Spaniard shingles the clay missionary tabs touching the stucco with a golden blade of sunlight cutting a thousand little strips to hang about the face moving a thousand miles a second stopped in place with the quiet repose of a yoga state
humming and shimmering yet let me be sweet oak tree.
And I wander through the canyon boulevard between the rocky cliffs and the endless riff of surf-rock echoed off skate parks and riding the PC highway hair bedraggled and snaked into next week lingering bonfire on the cotton shirt plant for plant *** for tat seed to breed Now dance, you and me.
Insinuation drooling salivary tongue full bacon pigging out on burgers getting red-eyes from vegans smoking plants murderers
We squirt, relish on the act of dying all things dying choking life second by second dying to live. Staring at neon fins lining the gravel lot Koi flickering beneath the celestial night Suspended pondwater pondering In surfce tension the deep mysteries of life
Tracing the snake through the winding streams we watch atop the rooftop Gaia Taking in the burgeoning Ocean of incandescent tangerine and Peyote-light Cacti hidden somewhere between the quiet slumber of mindless streets aligned by formless hands Drinking the mescaline air
Twisting the nightly moments as locks of hair I curled them, slipping, within my fingertips tracing the long winding road of Tao along her shoulders Enraptured by her sensual bliss
When I finally drifted along the clouded memories of divine rumbling eyes she disappeared into the sky blinking along the Jet turbines Never meant to be mine for more than a night