Love is not just about you And surely not just about me. Love never exists anywhere Unless we’re both free. It cannot be a prison Where one holds the key. Love is not just about you And surely not just about me.
Love is never selfish If so, it’s something different. It may be lust or desire But it is some other sentiment. You might wish it to be love But if it’s all about what you meant Then it is something besides love Caanot stand as its equivalent.
If you love someone you wish They get all that is good for them. You say prayers for their life And then you say amen. Because you wish them to have All the joy there ever has been, And when they get that, you wish That it will happen once again.
So, how can it be love if you Wish only what you may need? How can it be love if it is All about your own sense of greed? Love is not just about you And surely not just about me. Love never exists anywhere Unless we’re both free.