See I wanted to write about you and everything that I silently picked up on up if you're wondering what I picked up on Body language and cues The way you tensed up when you were about to hear bad news your anxiety how it at times it came crashing down and you didn't know what to do I reassured you the best way I could when you're concentrating or deep in thought about something ( I knew not to disturb you ) opening up to anyone was a task in itself you hated doing that / I understood The way you like to sing off key you think you sounded horrible singing wise I disagreed Personally, to me, I thought you sounded good you told me a lot of info about yourself gradually over the months we got to know each other I told you a lot of things as well but one thing is for sure I picked up on several things you weren't aware of and I'd never tell you this but you're easy to read just like a book if you're annoyed, angry or upset you might think oh no one cared or noticed I noticed as it was written all over your face meaning you had the most readable ****** expressions if you're wondering how I knew about your moods it's simple really I could tell in the tone of your voice if you were about to cry you had a certain tone of voice that suggested quivering in I'm about break down and cry tone of voice or how you were upset you had a certain way of behaving that let me know either to give you space or to comfort you if you were mad ( depending on what the issue was / who the individual was and how long ago it was in addition to the details determined everything ) how you'd need space or you felt upset / still brought up the issue no matter how long ago said everything and how could I forget your favorite songs the way you hummed them favorite food and snacks I still remember the details that you told me the way we both know I'm fine or I'm okay is a complete lie when either one of us is upset mostly you though when you're upset or down it's like I can sense that your energy is off / vibes are off some way or another but one thing about our friendship is how we told each other several things and because of that I still remember how you react favorite snacks your dreams and what your plans for the future were how you handled relationships