Our unappreciated saviors of the world reside among the clouds. A fitting tribute to my arrival, the clouds fell to the floor. They guided my way and kept my toes warm. I hear the darkness festering at my heels, trying to catch my eye. The sounds were subtle but relentless as they continued to expand. Larger and larger they grew, proceeding to overwhelm all corners of my mind. Stripped away from my shaking hands, I no longer hold command. I urge my brain to ignore them but they distract me evermore. Like the beautiful whispering of the leaves as they left their home. Never to return, they remind me of a place where I loved to roam. I long for a sense of where I belong. Aimlessly wandering is exhausting beyond description. Burning to the ground, my lover was dead amongst the dust. My world stopped spinning. Close your eyes and count to ten. Goodbye my little friend. One… Three… Seven… Eight… Ten… For as long as I will live, I will be haunted by my regrets and mistakes. The day that I left the kingdom of peace, the glass shattered. The clouds returned to the sky, and the world that was shared was between only my sister and I.
Originally submitted as a Ka Wai Ola submission and ultimately rejected. February 28, 2017