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Jun 2018
When your girlfriend got the call
That her uncle had died
She broke down on the floor in an emotionless daze
You held her in your arms and whispered into her ear
Then she started laughing; crying
Tears of happiness
But when you asked her why she could feel such emotion in this situation
She smiled and said that she was free
She was free?
You asked her how so
And she grabbed your hand with such beauty and compassion in her eyes
“I can finally get over what he did to me.”
“What did he do to you?”
You wipe a stray tear from her rosy red cheeks and she kisses your hand.
“He took away my innocence before I could even spell the word.
But I’m safe now.”
She got up and walked into the bathroom like nothing had even happened.
Hope you'll like it.
Written by
Sunflower  15/F/Lost
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