(indiscriminately sporting) most punishing option explored involving upwards of 2,000 immigrant children forced to ford predatory invested foreign territory
south of Rio Grande potentially gored if not *****, enslaved, via gang lion, viz nefarious smoking bandits gloating with anticipatory glee - hoard ding young boys and girls
sacrificial hideous torture mocking land of free and home of bravely ejected innocent nubile terrorized angels, where horrific, pedafilic traumatic plight
unwelcomely visited upon naively overly trusting precocious youngsters ignored fiendishly, and diabolically, where kids injured
malevolently, punitively, and violently inured at the ****** hands of many a self proclaimed war lord, which hypothetically,
presumably blithely of once safely (albeit tenuously) moored then cruelly wrenched where mill let tarry uber brutes ill league hull tender babes asper incident
uprooting tooth and nail on floss inconsolable sorrow upon fractured families (live re: worse, now imagine if you will gasoline poured over naked peach fuzz flesh
aye envision engulfed forked sinister flames purposelessly immolated how screams dark shadows within outer limits of AmeriKa twilight zone roared
renting asunder travesty treachery and trinity in God We Trust smugly ******* toward page from fascist playbook "Stasi in **** Ward,"
where atrocities censored like Black Sabbath despite freedom of speech reprehensible witch hunt scenarios over span six weeks bedlam decorated epaulette glorified hoodlums twitch with numbskulls while defrauding, deflecting, and defiling,
defenseless as deer lambs switch ching the other cheek as smug snitch like scattering rats Department of Homeland Security officials administration’s enforce new “zero tolerance” policy toward illegal border-crossing,
nonetheless bend rules they busily play an extra round of Quidditch) feigning obliviousness perfect suckling
nursing, and mewing infants forcibly experienced nirvana unplugged, whereat strong arm eminent marshalled tuckered law tugged maternal instinct doubling down, sans cradling tender infant snugged.