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Jun 2018
Impatiently sitting in the corner
of a room full of emptiness,
Trying to answer questions
of today and tomorrow.

Friends and foes mean nothing to me,
Like a raindrop that drips eventually.
I wait for none, not even me
A distant side of me, drifting far away
further far away from me.

A side of me that
loved to hope,
lived to be free,
laughed and cried,
for the silliest of the reasons that can be,
moved a million miles,
and still fell fast asleep.

Friends and foes mean nothing to me,
Like a raindrop that drips eventually.
I wait for none, not even me
A distant side of me, drifting far away
further far away from me.
Have you all figured it out for yourselves? But life still moves on, taking you to the roads you have never seen, One such road is you
Written by
ABHAY SONINGRA  28/M/Mumbai, India
(28/M/Mumbai, India)   
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