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May 2018
Raindrops, liquid drops
Rain, rain, as the sky opens,
Raindrops fall down to earth,
The parched soil suckles every drop hungrily.
Satiated and nourished, it brings forth new life.
Lush,green grass begin to grow,
Soft and silky smooth.
New foliages on trees sprout over old ones,
Drinking rain in gulps,
And when the wind soughs through the branches,
They rustle melodiously.
The rivers, lakes and dams,
Have their fill,
Waterways gush down to the plains,
Bring forth new life in all forms,
Lambs,calves,cubs,what not.
Young lovers,dance in the rain,
Entwined,lost in each others arms,
As silver drops kiss their skin.
Boys and girls,
Stamp their feet in puddles,
Shrieking with laughter.
Flowers in the rain,
Have their shower and drink,
Their colours become more beautiful,
They are happy, growing and fresh.
Pitter patter,splish splash,
Comes down the rain,
Cleanses,renews and hails in,
New life,new harvest and nature in abundance.
Written by
Salmabanu Hatim  72/F/Tanzania
       Imran Islam, PoetryJournal and Triste
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