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May 2018

Don’t say that word!  
That filthy curse!
It breaks my heart to hear it.

Such finality, to the thousands of lives touched.
No sacrifice should ever cost so much.

For they are no longer here to live happily beside us.
So I beg you please, do not speak that word of dust.
For this is not the end of love, for her, or for me!
So there shall be no Amen at the end of this soliloquy!

You are simply there to make us smile.
You are forever in my heart.
When this world becomes too dark,
You creep out of the blue inside of me
And once more I can raise a smile.

For I see you watching over us,
At your funeral of love.
I see your love in each of us.
Now the tears have been replaced, with memories of love.

So God, you take good care of her!
Or she will put the world to rights.
Just you make sure she’s there to meet me,
As I walk through those pearly gates...alright?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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