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May 2018
You pretended and made me believe your lies
I thought you were trying and that you cared , you never heard my cries
I see the real enemy isn't what you made me to believe I see through you and see where the true one lays
When I didn't feel like going on you went away like I meant nothing , you didn't even faze
I don't want your fake love , fake laughs , or fake hope in your gaze
Sometimes I feel all I can is forgiveness but I can't
I just have a lose of words but I still manage to rant
I wish you meant nothing...I wish you were just a passing face from day to day
But you're not , you haunt me in the memories I just want to throw away
This time I'll try harder to forget the pain and maybe you're ghost will leave my mind and no longer have a reason to stay
I hate my past because of you
Autumn Lewis
Written by
Autumn Lewis  17/F/Neverland
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