id like to hold you in my arms everyday all day same thoughts keep haunting me as im sleeping in my bed you've got me trapped in a cycle why don't you join me in this madness?
sometimes i daydream of kissing you sometimes i daydream of being free from you for some reason i cant make up my mind you've got me trapped in this cycle
i know you care for me but sometimes i cant exactly tell somedays you ignore my mood swings and are speechless you ignore me in the halls and you act as if i don't even exist somedays you wave at me and we go on dates and we hug we enjoy ourselves yet you've never kissed me you've told me you want to i think you're nervous or scared but of what?
you've told me how much you care for me and you've told me all of your deepest darkest secrets the other day you told me your feelings for me have faded the other day you told me you love me the other day you told me you cant handle "us" the other day we laughed and giggled together as a couple the other day you said you were bored the other day you blushed as i kissed you im trapped we're both trapped
ill probably delete this sooner or later i just need to express myself