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May 2018
I want to take a moment to step out of character and thank all of the wonderful artists and readers here on Hello Poetry for their continued support of The Suspicious Oracle, also known by name as Thalia Spider.

I began this project as a way to draft and develop a performance art character that was inspired by my love of junk punk, the music of the beautiful hearts behind Steam Powered Giraffe, and my fixation with transhumanism -- and I'm now to a point where I need to put the character into hibernation in order to draft and develop the physical components. Makeup, wardrobe, voice, mannerisms, and things of that nature.

In the meantime, I'll be working on another project, under a different display name, but using the same account. So if you've liked any of the pieces I've written to date, and you have the desire to retain access to any of those pieces, you'll need to save each link separately, as I'll be switching them all to Hidden mode over the next day or two.

Great! With that out of the way, I want to thank everyone again. Every repost and every like or love from you directly inspires me to continue to do something I love -- telling a story, for instance! Without an audience, a story lies dormant, and you all brought me back to life.

Stay tuned for an exploration of fear and courage as told by Orenda Tinderheart.

Best Wishes and Platonic Kisses,
     ~ Wren Rain
If you have not, absolutely do discover Steam Powered Giraffe. A great place to start would be at their early days Balboa Park performances, available in outstanding quality on YouTube. Otherwise, I suggest checking out their full length feature, Quest for the Eternal Harp of Golden Dreams, available on both YouTube and PrimeVideo.
A Simillacrum
Written by
A Simillacrum
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