Pick at the words; pick at the holes. Pick me apart; you are cruel and cold. I know your kind, you have no soul; Let go, let go! Be gone and leave me alone!
The darkness you hide under is merely the sound of thunder; My words will become like lightning and rip you apart. Accuse me, abuse me, but do not try to dilute me; I am here to feed the need of those, who you have left starved.
You offer no remedy, to any thought ailment they may have. Give back what you have taken, You are unworthy of love; You are unworthy as you attack.
Blissfully unaware of the light you cannot hold. Inside your mind, nothing shines; there is no love And every second you decay as you are now growing old.
Soon they will leave you to rot inside your hole. Behold! All the love is gone! And so is your soul.