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May 2018
You're this one whole world,
created by my poetic imagination.
An ode to love,
A sound so sweet.
You're a delicate soul,
a sunset to all.
They said angels boast ethereal vigor ,
and are formed from seeds of heavenly birth.
You are one of these many seed,
you grow within my heart.
You bloom like a wildflower,
in a field of ethereal road.
And for once,
I will not pick this wildflower,
as I want it to bloom in my heart forever.
For when I was scrolling through picturequotes and found this very beautiful quote by Virgil and it says, 'Angels boast ethereal vigor, and are formed from seeds of heavenly birth.' I could only think of a person. It's you.

ㅡ n.s
Written by
sunflower  18/F/MY
     Elissaveta De'aviki, --- and Val Vik
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