The glow of your back basking in the sun Causes my heart to flutter and beat faster There is no place I would faster run My brain doesn’t calculate what’s going to come after All I can fathom is a life in which I can Live in your glory, with each touch and every glance You remind me that this is such a marvelous trance. Come back to me, my love. From the moment, we met I could tell you were sent from above. Our fate was something more than just a bet I saw you differently, in a light that Melted my heart and froze my eyes simultaneously With your arms wrapped me, I believed I would never fall flat I know that the way that we love is dangerously Likes fires glowing and burning until we’re no more The finale is coming soon, I’m more than aware But imagine just for that one moment, we could soar Before we fall, someone should have warned me to beware Of a love like yours. To save me from the crushing call of the floor. That would leave me beyond miserable and sore. With our heads swirling in affection Too far out in space, and our bodies too empty to even move. We waited too long to phase out our reflections. There was a reason why my mother told me she did not approve. Because you were far too beautiful, Far too perfect, and yet not insanely unlike usual. The pieces that you left behind, stain the linoleum tiles As you leave to another girl, enchanting her with your smiles. I promise myself to not fall again, but it’s all a facade, Hopefully before my name on your lips is forgot, My heart will be rebuilt, and I will find someone new Your abandonment inspires the disappearance of a heavenly view.
April 9, 2018, written very quickly attempting to achieve the flowing feeling of a stream of consciousness write.