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Apr 2018

Imagine life is a journey in a car, without a map or a satnav.
You can only go forward, there is no turning back.
You only know where you are going to.
Your destination is ‘love’ and it has to be ‘true’.

You may burst your tired heart and sometimes run out of gas,
But time heals all the damage and you always find your way back,
To the free love freeway; my only way.
No shortcuts taken, I must experience all the bad days
And embrace all of the good, before I reach my final stop.
Because when my heart has been fixed
And I reach my journey’s end…
I will hopefully no longer have to worry,
About the radiator getting too hot.

She will cool me down and get my engine running.
Could this be love?  I constantly imagine,
But as yet I have not reached my place of peace,
But there are many beautiful signs I am yet to see.

Occasionally I find a place where I can rest.
A place to pull over, a place I have seen inside my head.
You see the signs, as you approach,
‘Natural beauty spot ahead’
(I thought you should know.)

So you decide to stop and take a look.
Maybe, there is a bench to sit on
And maybe there is a place to write your books,
As you watch the fading sun.

In front of you there is quite a view.
The lakes and the trees,
The woman sat on the dock fishing;
The one who reminds you of you.
So you go over to say hello.
Sometimes the two of you have a conversation.
Sometimes you can only remain a ghost;
Sometimes they never get to know.

As the sun turns to red in search of its bed,
You say your goodbyes and set off in your car.
Sometimes you stroll along…
Sometimes life flies by like a shooting star.

Sometimes you drive into a town and decide to stop for a while.
Sometimes you arrive at a pretty city,
Where all you do is constantly smile.
This place may even be called ‘love’.
You could live there for many a moon;
But eventually the time comes, to leave love behind,
But you always leave a piece of you too.

So you go and seek counsel from a mechanic.
She says travel the world!
Go on an adventure, speak Spanish…

But eventually you say that is enough touring for me.
I need to head over to true love,
I don’t want to be late for my marriage.

So your carriage takes you to the ball.
You pull up in front of two gigantic doors
And standing at the end of the hall,
Past rows of friends and family;
There she stands in white, your motorbike bride,
The one you have been searching for.

As you approach with nervous footsteps,
Your journey behind you, your future ahead,
You check your tie, slick back your hair with a comb
And try to look your best; you are heading home.

Your car and your heart have had their ups and downs;
It may be a little scratched and dented now;
But all she can see is a brand new Chevy.
So she climbs into your heart and the passenger seat.
The two of you set off along a new route together.
Homeward bound…

New dreams to follow…
Foot to the ground!

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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